The 10-10-10 Rule for Making Right and Best Decision in Life, Business or Profession.

I was speaking to a buddy of mine last week when he told me he was thinking of closing his restaurant of over 10 years as the business has been plummeting since the COVID19 situation.

He wanted to ‘cut his loses’ but at the same time, it would be such a big move as this restaurant has been a big part of his life, and he wasn’t sure what he would even do after if he were to shut the restaurant.

He didn’t want to regret his decision, so I asked him 3 questions that would help him to consider the immediate repercussions of his decision.

“How will that decision to close the restaurant affect you 10 minutes from now?”

“How will that decision to close the restaurant affect you 10 months from now?”

“How will that decision to close the restaurant affect you 10 years from now?”

These aren’t random made up questions that I decided to ask my friend.

It’s actually based on a rule coined by Suzy Welch called the 10- 10-10 rule for decision making that helps give individuals quick clarity when they find themselves having to make tough decisions.

Such as the case of my friend.

It’s a simple method that you can use when you feel like your emotions are getting in the way of your decision making, which often is the case when you’re faced with something big and important.

And especially when you’re under stress, anxiety, or having to decide ‘quickly’…

We don’t want to make decisions we’ll regret, so this rule helps to put things into perspective for you. It also helps to overcome that ‘temporary relief’ that you may prefer initially, to look beyond that and think long term.

It has a way of galvanizing people into forward-thinking action and out of a fixation on the present. Oh, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly 10 minutes, 10 months or 10 years. It’s just for you to consider the immediate, mid and long-term consequences.

So is there something you’ve been wanting to do? A decision or a plan of action that you need to make or take.. but may have been avoiding or delaying it?

If you’re still on the fence, try using this method and let me know if it helps!

And if you know that there is something that will benefit you in the long run.. be it a goal you want to achieve, a project you want to start, a desire to do something new but don’t quite know how or where to get started, then EMPLOYEE FREEDOM MODEL just be the launchpad you need!

2 thoughts on “The 10-10-10 Rule for Making Right and Best Decision in Life, Business or Profession.”

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